How to Help Your Child Learn Better?

Children are often called “incarnation of God on earth”. While this seems good enough, in theory, the ground realities are different. Even though every parent loves their child and tries to raise them to the best of their knowledge, sometimes this knowledge falls woefully short.

The problem of expectations

Our offspring are our greatest treasures, but they are also the source of our greatest expectations. We expect them to achieve what we did, and what we didn’t. Today, this idea is known to be an example of failed parenting and nothing short of “toxic”.

Our children may carry our expectations, but they also have expectations of their own. Not every child is born as a prodigy, and not every child can grow up to be a genius- at least, not the kind of genius we might be looking for. A child is a human, and like every human, he/she have their own set of characteristics that make them unique in their own way.

Try remembering the story of the fish that couldn’t climb the tree as the monkey did, and spent the rest of its life considering itself a failure. This is what happens to a child when he/she is unable to fulfill your expectations. They try to ignore their own talents because they are expected to develop the talents you want. Some succeed, most don’t. What follows is a life full of disappointment. This disappointment within them will haunt them long after you are gone. Think, is that the kind of future you are wanting for your child?

Nurturing the individuality

Like we said, every child is unique. Garry Kasparov can’t play basketball like Michael Jordan, and Jordan couldn’t box like Muhammad Ali. Instead of forcing what YOU think is right for them, let them explore what THEY think would be right for them.

A common question that often arises among parents is: “what if my child’s talents have no career scope?” It is a valid question, and when the time comes it will be resolved. But right now, your child is just a kid. Let them explore their skills, let them find their interests, and let them nurture their talents. Do not wonder if that talent would land your child a job in the future; that discussion can wait. Right now, it is all about celebrating your child’s individuality.

Become your child’s partner-in-crime

This is the time you need to be with your child. There is more than one reason for this:

Children who spend quality time with their parents often grow up to be confident adults and have much better success rates than those whose parents didn’t have time for them.

Children are the most curious beings on the planet, and it is essential that you are there to satiate their curiosity. You also need to keep an eye on them and keep them safe.

Early childhood results in beautiful memories. As time passes by, your children would only get more occupied with their lives and you would miss their company. Thus, make the most of it while you still can.

Tips to make your child learn better

While we explained the general gist of the idea, the question that remains is “how should I do that?” Well, here are some tips that might help:

Gift your child some books, and then some more. Almost every child loves books because books give them a door to explore their curiosity without depending on adults. Developing this habit will accelerate their learning habit.

Share your interests with them. Children learn soon enough that their curiosities appear stupid to the adults around, which leads them to shut up their emotions. To be a good parent, you need to share your feelings and interests with your child. Soon, your child will reciprocate and tell you about they interests.

Motivate your child to make decisions. Even if the decision is really small, like choosing what book they want to read next, it matters in the long run. It gives children a sense of control and develops confidence that stays with them. The confidence, in turn, makes them a better learner.

Keep a close eye on your child’s academic and extra-curricular activities and find out the fields he or she excels in. It might be hard to ignore the poor math results, but try your best to instead focus on the high English score or the prize in a dance competition. Children learn about their skills better if they have the support of their parents.

Ask for the experience, not scores. When your child returns home at the end of the day, ask them how their day was, whether they made any new friends or learned something new. Do not focus on the academics more than what is required. Scores do not define a person, but experiences do.


Your children are precious, and it is your responsibility as a parent to make sure their learning experience is less stressful and more fun. There is a potential Bill Gates or Mahatma Gandhi or Leonardo DiCaprio hidden in every child; it is your responsibility to find it.

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