A separate conference got already been held at the same lay, present-Sir George Parker, B

A separate conference got already been held at the same lay, present-Sir George Parker, B

C., and Wallet away from ?20 to have yawls, by “Morning Celebrity,” Superstar Team

Dowson, W. Briggs, William Hurry Palmer, W. Praise, P. Pullyn, C. Pearson, J. W. Shelly, while others, when a resolution are sent from the 19 to help you 6 requesting Mr. Rumbold so you can retire about event.

Mr. Goldsmid had held a general public meeting on Masonic Hall, Mr. M. Butcher in the couch, when a resolution are enacted pledging the fresh new appointment to help with you to definitely guy from the resulting competition.

The new Regatta ended up being stored, if the Urban area Dish, value ?fifty, was won by the “Security,” 18 tons. G. Cooke, Esq., R.T.Y.

Coope (mommy of Yards

This new Regatta Ball is actually attended of the about “forty or fifty people,” between exactly who were this new Dowager Lady Suffield, Lady Durrant, R. J. Bagshaw, Esq., and you may Mrs. Bagshaw, Miss Burton, Roentgen. , Esq., jun., B. Calily, Capt. Pearson, Rn., Capt. Ellis, R.N., Dr. Robinson, We. Preston, Esq., and you will Skip Preston, Mr. and you can Mrs. S. Palmer, Mr. and you can Mrs. W. H. Palmer, Mr. and you can Mrs. Walpole, Mrs. and you will Miss Burton, Mr. W. and you will Skip Praise, &c.

July 24th.-Throughout the fifty otherwise sixty Nonconformist electors had stored a p. 124 appointment within Congregational Schoolroom, when the promises out of Mr. Bagshaw was indeed sensed satisfactory towards meeting.

A community meeting of your family relations of Mr. Rumbold is stored in the Masonic Hall, (William H. Palmer, Esq., throughout the sofa) when an answer you to Mr. Rumbold are a fit and you will best person to portray the latest Borough is actually transmitted.

Lord Arthur Lennox and you will O. Elizabeth. Coope, Esq., ended up being came across by their friends in the “Greyhound Inn,” Gorleston, and you may escorted on the area, the newest “procession” consisting of you to definitely personal carriage, then followed in the hot San pedro in Philippines girls a long distance from the banner bearers and you may about half-a-dozen gentlemen to the horseback before an excellent carriage who has the latest people and you may their friends. Towards coming to the market Place during the 9 o’clock such men mounted good balcony, when R. Ferrier, in a number of conditions, amidst tumultuous cheering put Lord A. Lennox; I. Preston, Esq., did the like service to have Mr. Coope, and also the individuals with handled the fresh conference, that was together with managed by Messrs. Harvey, Charles Cory, and you can Roentgen. Ferrier, jun., dispersed.

New Mayor and you will Organization had attended the water Frolic (Mr. Fiddes becoming Admiral). Mr. Bagshaw try of party, however, Mr. Goldsmid, even when requested, did not setup an appearance.

Aug. 14th.-It was reported that away from two hundred to three hundred freemen got bribed to vote getting Lord Lennox and you may Mr. Coope, and it is “with certainty expected” that those men manage resign the seats to cease exposure.

p. 125 Aug. twenty-first.-Brand new events had been held to your 17th and you can eighteenth (Stewards: Lord Suffield, Viscount Anson, The brand new Hon. Capt. Rous, and you may George Danby Palmer, Esq.) whenever Mr. O. Elizabeth. Coope’s “Piece Nibble” acquired the new Members’ Plate. Lord A beneficial. Lennox got attended the brand new Race Ordinary and you will ideal a span of step not as much as and this most readily useful records was basically apt to be obtained.

Aug. 28th.-Mrs. P.) had provided ?50 toward Church repair, ?fifty for the Town Causes, and you will ?ten towards Medical.

Sept. 4th-The new Synagogue in Row 42 was actually consecrated, the fresh Rev. B. Levy, away from Brighton, carrying out the service. On the list of donors on the building funds where the Gran, Baron Rothschild, M.P., Sir Moses Montefiore, Sir S. L. Goldsmid, and you may F. H. Goldsmid, Esq.

Sept. 11th.-British College ended up being repaired and you may lso are-exposed by Mr. D. Tomkins (regarding the British and you can Foreign School Society, Urban area path, London area.)

Mr. Goldsmid had got a beneficial bespeak within Theatre which was “very fully went to,” in which he had considering subscriptions to most of the regional causes.


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